This time of year the weather is nice enough to get outdoors, and you should. Why spend a beautiful, sunny , spring day on a treadmill when you can hike, bike or run a trail. Camping can also be a great family event, or just time away from the hustle and bustle of our forced fast paced life.
Here are some camping tips from a neat article I read recently:
Camping is a wonderful family activity that can be a memorable experience for both children and adults. Most people who have bad camping trips are either inexperienced or unprepared. Here are some tips and tricks that we feel will make your camping trip a more pleasurable one.
Packing for Camping
Buy some storage boxes which can be found at discount stores. Transparent ones make it easier to find your things, but the solid color boxes are stronger. Use one box for food, another for camping items, and another for extra clothing. If you are handy, you can make a wooden box with slots for dishes and hooks for your cups. Be sure to take everything you think you might need. Many campgrounds have stores, but charge twice the price.
We have a list of Things To Bring that you can print and use as as guideline.
Once you arrive at your campsite, the fun (and work) begins!
Pitch Your Tent
New tents usually need to be waterproofed. Read the instructions, set up the tent at home and soak it with water to see if your new tent requires such treatment prior to your camping trip. Water proofing substances often come with your tent and if it doesn't you can purchase it at most hardware or camping stores.
It is also good practice to set up your tent at home before you need it for shelter. When you pack up your tent, pack the stakes separately to avoid punctures.
When pitching your tent, choose a flat or gently sloping area that isn't in a depression. If your tent is located on a slope, place the door facing downhill, so that rain water will drain away from your tent. On most campground campsites, the best locations will be the areas where others have pitched their tents before you! The safest place to pitch a tent is near small, young trees or brush.
Open places leave your tent vulnerable to damaging winds, and sites under large trees are a target for lightning and falling branches. Small trees and brush will protect you from the wind and will not leave you vulnerable to lighting. Your tent should NOT be situated too close to the fire pit or dish washing area.
Clear away all debris. Small rocks and sticks can feel like boulders at 4am. Place a plastic tarp under your tent to reduce moisture. Invest in some air mattresses and place them under the sleeping bags. You will sleep much better.
Always leave your shoes outside the tent. This cuts down on the amount of dirt inside the tent.

Here are some camping tips from a neat article I read recently:
Camping is a wonderful family activity that can be a memorable experience for both children and adults. Most people who have bad camping trips are either inexperienced or unprepared. Here are some tips and tricks that we feel will make your camping trip a more pleasurable one.
Packing for Camping
Buy some storage boxes which can be found at discount stores. Transparent ones make it easier to find your things, but the solid color boxes are stronger. Use one box for food, another for camping items, and another for extra clothing. If you are handy, you can make a wooden box with slots for dishes and hooks for your cups. Be sure to take everything you think you might need. Many campgrounds have stores, but charge twice the price.
We have a list of Things To Bring that you can print and use as as guideline.
Once you arrive at your campsite, the fun (and work) begins!
Pitch Your Tent
New tents usually need to be waterproofed. Read the instructions, set up the tent at home and soak it with water to see if your new tent requires such treatment prior to your camping trip. Water proofing substances often come with your tent and if it doesn't you can purchase it at most hardware or camping stores.
It is also good practice to set up your tent at home before you need it for shelter. When you pack up your tent, pack the stakes separately to avoid punctures.
When pitching your tent, choose a flat or gently sloping area that isn't in a depression. If your tent is located on a slope, place the door facing downhill, so that rain water will drain away from your tent. On most campground campsites, the best locations will be the areas where others have pitched their tents before you! The safest place to pitch a tent is near small, young trees or brush.
Open places leave your tent vulnerable to damaging winds, and sites under large trees are a target for lightning and falling branches. Small trees and brush will protect you from the wind and will not leave you vulnerable to lighting. Your tent should NOT be situated too close to the fire pit or dish washing area.
Clear away all debris. Small rocks and sticks can feel like boulders at 4am. Place a plastic tarp under your tent to reduce moisture. Invest in some air mattresses and place them under the sleeping bags. You will sleep much better.
Always leave your shoes outside the tent. This cuts down on the amount of dirt inside the tent.
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