We are often encouraged to plan for our economic future. Few of us, however apply this same level of seriousness to considerations pertaining to our long-term mental and physical well-being. Instead we employ a 'wait and see' approach which, more often than not, causes us to ignore the issue altogether. Our health is not listed as a priority until we become sick and can no longer ignore it. At this time our perception of our health quickly changes and it becomes of primary importance. It is only at this point that we are prepared to spend money and make a serious effort to restore our health. Sadly, however, sometimes it can be too late.
We should all be asking ourselves, “What can I do today to prevent myself from becoming ill in the future?”. Even though this may not seem important now, just speak to someone who is suffering from a life threatening or debilitating illness. We can benefit from their hindsight.
There are many reasons why people don't take sufficient care of their health. Some of them include;
Believing, “it wont happen to me”
Not recognising that many diseases and illnesses are due to toxic overload and or metabolic deficient/overload which are preventable, and not knowing what to do about it
Not taking responsibility
Believing, “I have strong genes that will protect me”
Viewing medical science as a universal panacea
This web site was designed as a starting point to help people address many of the above issues and guide them in planning for a healthy and happy future.
A person is far more likely to make a change when they perceive the pain or suffering that will result from not making the change as greater than the discomfort brought about by the change itself. Smoking is a good example of this behavioural phenomenon. It is therefore important to gain knowledge in health prevention as this establishes a belief in the need for healthy living.
Philip Day author of 'Health Wars', a controversial book that looks at the untold truths in the health industry today, states that “the two areas in which disease is concentrated are Metabolic and Toxin Related”. 1
Metabolic diseases/illness are caused by a nutrient deficiency such as scurvy, or Pellagra.
Toxin related diseases/illness are those caused by substances harmful to the biological processes of human beings.
Daily exposure to common toxins include:
Exhaust fumes.
Air pollution e.g. working in or around chemicals in the home, workplace and outside.
Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers in food and water.
Animal products containing hormones, antibiotics, parasite treatments.
Drugs, prescribed & recreational, e.g. alcohol, tobacco etc.
Additives in food, e.g. colourings, flavourings, preservatives.
Carcinogenic ingredients in personal care and cleaning products.
Off gassing of furniture, appliances, paints etc.
Electromagnetic radiation (EMRs).
After reading this list, is it any wonder that in today's society many people become sick? The toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis in our environment include, the air we breathe, chemicals we put on our body and absorb through our skin, as well as chemicals we ingest through food and drink. When this is coupled with poor nutrition and the body's extra nutritional requirements due to toxic overload the immune system is affected resulting in poor health.( The Heavy Metal Screen Test can help assess the toxic levels in your body right from home, see the "my blog list" area on this page for more info).
Dr Peter Dingle is one of Australia's leading environmental scientists whose doctoral thesis concerned chemical exposure in homes and work-spaces. In his book 'Cosmetics and Personal Care: Dangerous Beauty' he states the following;
"I suggest that many illnesses are not simply misfortune. I suggest they are preventable and can be linked to the chemicals in our food, water, homes, workplaces, general environment and in the products we use. I suggest illnesses such as cancer, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies and multiple chemical sensitivities can be related to the unprecedented increase of chemicals in our environment."
Prevention, not treatment, is the key to a long and healthy life.
Click on the Waiora or JT Taylor Company store links for more information and healthy living products.
Until next time,
1 comment:
There are a large number of vets in Columbia, South Carolina using the Natural Cellular Defense for the health of animals ridding them of toxins and allergens.
LE in Columbia
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